The Quest For The Perfect Rooster
Ah, roosters and cockerels (male chickens, if you want). It took us years to get one that does his job exactly right.
Ah, roosters and cockerels (male chickens, if you want). It took us years to get one that does his job exactly right.
We've hosted over a hundred volunteers in the past years, and got great feedback from our volunteers too. Here's a roundup of tips for hosts who want to be great hosts!
We've hosted over a hundred volunteers with Workaway, Wwoof and other organisations in the past years. Here are a few tips for volunteers so they can get the most from their volunteering experience!
We could make a list of hundreds and hundreds of ways to make a living when you live off-grid - but really, they all fit into these six categories. What works best for you?
When you start your new life, you'll most likely get tied up DOING all the things - so now's the time to prepare before moving off the grid.
Hosting volunteers is a great way to get things done on your farm... but sometimes it's just not the right path for you. Read the pros and cons here!
Forget everything you thought you knew about off-grid living… Unless you’re living off the grid yourself, I'd bet at least one of the common misconceptions listed below is something you thought to be true.
The basics of setting up a solar system to live off-grid.
By popular demand: the recipe to my daily no-knead bread - 5 minutes at night + 5 minutes in the morning (+ 35 minutes of baking), and we've got fresh breakfast.