Gardening & Growing Food

Adventures in gardening for self-sufficiency: growing your own food and processing your harvest

Seeds vs Seedlings: Growing Food From Scratch

Seeds vs Seedlings: Growing Food From Scratch

Starting seeds allows you to control the growing process, while buying seedlings saves time and hassle for busy gardeners. Here's when to choose one or the other!
Choosing vegetables for self-sufficiency: grow-your-own-food 101

Choosing vegetables for self-sufficiency: grow-your-own-food 101

Choosing vegetables you want to eat and that you can grow successfully ...
What to Do in the Garden in March

What to Do in the Garden in March

Gardening in March is a balancing act, making sure you get stuff done in ...
Starting Seeds Indoors vs Outdoors: Pros and Cons and Best Practices

Starting Seeds Indoors vs Outdoors: Pros and Cons and Best Practices

Should you start seeds in trays or containers indoors, or sowing directly ...
Finding the Sweet Spot: Picking a Location for your Vegetable Garden

Finding the Sweet Spot: Picking a Location for your Vegetable Garden

Picking the perfect location(s) for your garden is about imagining how gardening activities will fit into your everyday life. This decision can impact your life in many different ways!
Vermicomposting: How to Use Worms to Make Compost

Vermicomposting: How to Use Worms to Make Compost

Vermicomposting means letting earth worms turn your scraps into nutrient-rich compost. Learn how it works, set up your system, and harvest compost for your garden!

What to do in the Garden in January

January may be a bit cold to do a lot of gardening, but it’s a great month to do some planning, and catch up with winter gardening chores.
Matching Vegetables to their Preferred Soil Type + Pros and Cons of different Types of Soil

Matching Vegetables to their Preferred Soil Type + Pros and Cons of different Types of Soil

Discover different types of soil and learn how soil type and management can impact the types of plants that will thrive in your vegetable garden.
Best 5 Vegetables to Grow For Self-Sufficiency

Best 5 Vegetables to Grow For Self-Sufficiency

What are the best 5 vegetables to grow for self-sufficiency? We listed them and added some recipes and growing tips for each!
How to Start a Garden from Scratch – in 7 Easy Steps

How to Start a Garden from Scratch – in 7 Easy Steps

Whether you’re new at gardening and have never done it before, or you’re just starting a vegetable garden from scratch in a new location, these are the 7 steps that make it fun to set up your veggie garden!
The Surprising Benefits of Hugelkultur, a Permaculture Soil-Building Technique

The Surprising Benefits of Hugelkultur, a Permaculture Soil-Building Technique

Hugelkultur is a technique often used in permaculture gardening to build and manage soil. It relies on stacking wood and other organic materials at different levels to create a raised garden bed. The wood decays over time, leaving behind composted layers of nutrients.
Square-Foot Gardening: Growing Food on a Small Scale

Square-Foot Gardening: Growing Food on a Small Scale

You don’t actually need much space to grow your own food. In fact, you can grow salad in balcony hanging boxes or ...
Choosing the Right Spot to Start a Permaculture Garden

Choosing the Right Spot to Start a Permaculture Garden

Many factors may help you decide the best place to plant a permaculture garden. The location as it relates to your house, permaculture zones, water and accessibility your own preferences and lifestyle are just a few of these. Make sure that your garden isn't located in high traffic areas where people might trample your vegetation; see if you can move it to a less-used section of the yard.
How to Grow Great Tasty Tomatoes from Seed

How to Grow Great Tasty Tomatoes from Seed

Growing tomatoes from seed is not hard, you just need to know what you're doing. Read all about selecting your tomato seeds, starting seeds, transplanting and growing healthy tasty tomatoes!
How to Build Raised Garden Beds

How to Build Raised Garden Beds

Raised garden beds put less strain on the body, are easier to combat weeds, better at draining in the summer and maintaining warmth in the winter, more space-efficient — and they look fantastic. Plus they're quite easy to construct!
How to Grow Calendula from Seed: the Definitive Step-By-Step Process

How to Grow Calendula from Seed: the Definitive Step-By-Step Process

Calendula (also known as pot marigold) is not only pleasing to the eye, but also has wonderful medicinal and therapeutic benefits. The flower reseeds itself annually, which makes it pretty easy to grow it from seed.
What to do in the Garden in February – Winter Gardening Chores

What to do in the Garden in February – Winter Gardening Chores

February isn't the most fun month to be spending in the garden, but we selected 8 chores you can do to prep for spring - without freezing your extremities off.
7 Things To Do in The Garden in December

7 Things To Do in The Garden in December

The end of the year approaches, again. For many people, December is synonymous with family, dinner parties and ...
How to Preserve Food and Store your Backyard Harvest: 5 Foolproof Techniques (with recipes!)

How to Preserve Food and Store your Backyard Harvest: 5 Foolproof Techniques (with recipes!)

Discover different ways to store and preserve food. Includes easy delicious recipes to get started with preserving the harvest!
When’s the Best Time to Start a Garden?

When’s the Best Time to Start a Garden?

In the world of gardening, one of the most frequently asked questions “when should I start a garden?” As you ...
Starting a Permaculture Homestead in Spain

Starting a Permaculture Homestead in Spain

We started a small-scale permaculture homestead in Spain wanting to grow our food and work with nature in a sustainable way, using permaculture techniques and frameworks. This is how we did it.
What is Permaculture?

What is Permaculture?

Permaculture is a set of design principles aimed at working with nature (rather than against it), as well as supporting or mimicking naturally occurring patterns and features found in nature.

Harvesting Olives for Olive Oil and Eating

Olive harvest from A to Z - and pressing olive oil and preserving olives for eating too!
Gardening From Seed: Planning a Garden to Grow your Own Food

Gardening From Seed: Planning a Garden to Grow your Own Food

In theory, gardening from seed is pretty straightforward. Get seeds, put them in the ground and wait until a plant emerges. However, there are a few pitfalls - avoid the most important ones with this quick guide!

7 Steps to Move Off-grid

Grab your free guide to taking the leap

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