Which vegetables should you grow for self-sufficiency
Choosing vegetables you want to eat and that you can grow successfully will get you better results than growing everything that comes to mind. Learn which veggies to grow for more self-reliance!
Starting Seeds Indoors vs Outdoors: Pros and Cons and Best Practices
Should you start seeds in trays or containers indoors, or sowing directly ...
Matching Vegetables to their Preferred Soil Type + Pros and Cons of different Types of Soil
Discover different types of soil and learn how soil type and management ...
Best 5 Vegetables to Grow For Self-Sufficiency
What are the best 5 vegetables to grow for self-sufficiency? We listed ...
How to Start a Garden from Scratch – in 7 Easy Steps
Whether you’re new at gardening and have never done it before, or you’re just starting a vegetable garden from scratch in a new location, these are the 7 steps that make it fun to set up your veggie garden!
Choosing the Right Spot to Start a Permaculture Garden
Many factors may help you decide the best place to plant a permaculture garden. The location as it relates to your house, permaculture zones, water and accessibility your own preferences and lifestyle are just a few of these.
Make sure that your garden isn't located in high traffic areas where people might trample your vegetation; see if you can move it to a less-used section of the yard.
Gardening From Seed: Planning a Garden to Grow your Own Food
In theory, gardening from seed is pretty straightforward. Get seeds, put them in the ground and wait until a plant emerges. However, there are a few pitfalls - avoid the most important ones with this quick guide!