Vegetable Gardening 101

Starting Seeds Indoors vs Outdoors: Pros and Cons and Best Practices

Starting Seeds Indoors vs Outdoors: Pros and Cons and Best Practices

Should you start seeds in trays or containers indoors, or sowing directly outdoors? Discover the pros and cons of each method + tips on how to successfully start seeds indoors vs outdoors.
Matching Vegetables to their Preferred Soil Type + Pros and Cons of different Types of Soil

Matching Vegetables to their Preferred Soil Type + Pros and Cons of different Types of Soil

Discover different types of soil and learn how soil type and management ...
Best 5 Vegetables to Grow For Self-Sufficiency

Best 5 Vegetables to Grow For Self-Sufficiency

What are the best 5 vegetables to grow for self-sufficiency? We listed ...
How to Start a Garden from Scratch – in 7 Easy Steps

How to Start a Garden from Scratch – in 7 Easy Steps

Whether you’re new at gardening and have never done it before, or you’re ...
Choosing the Right Spot to Start a Permaculture Garden

Choosing the Right Spot to Start a Permaculture Garden

Many factors may help you decide the best place to plant a permaculture garden. The location as it relates to your house, permaculture zones, water and accessibility your own preferences and lifestyle are just a few of these. Make sure that your garden isn't located in high traffic areas where people might trample your vegetation; see if you can move it to a less-used section of the yard.
Gardening From Seed: Planning a Garden to Grow your Own Food

Gardening From Seed: Planning a Garden to Grow your Own Food

In theory, gardening from seed is pretty straightforward. Get seeds, put them in the ground and wait until a plant emerges. However, there are a few pitfalls - avoid the most important ones with this quick guide!

7 Steps to Move Off-grid

Grab your free guide to taking the leap

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