Keeping Animals in Spain: Getting Started

by | Off-Grid Spain, Raising Animals

If you’re thinking of keeping animals in Spain, there are a lot of things to consider and it is easy to get overloaded with information. That’s the case whether you just want a couple of animals to be more self-sufficient – or maybe you want to start a fully functioning and profitable farm.

In the video below, I cover a couple of basic questions, like

  • What licenses and permits do you need to keep animals in Spain?
  • What are the implications of starting a farm as a business in Spain?
  • If you’re seeing it big – how hard would it be to find good people to work on your Spanish farm?
  • What type of property should you consider to buy and start a farm?
  • Are there any forms of support, grants or other opportunities for starting a farm in Spain?

I’ll give you a couple of tips and ideas you can use to take the first steps – and decide what the next step is towards your dream farm in Spain!

Check out our other articles for more in-depth information on topics like how to get strong wifi on an off-grid farm or how to find and buy a property off-grid.


  1. Lee

    Hi, firstly thank you for your video! My partner and I are looking at moving to mainland Spain from Ibiza to start a new lifestyle. Ideally would like something that is profitable enough to live very simply possibly olive farming etc. Could you suggest a good area, we have been looking around Seron. Also are there any subsidiaries as in Italy where the local government give small grants annually to support maintaining an Olive Grove. Any and all advice would be great.

  2. Torie

    Hey can you write the licence out you mentioned regarding having animals in your small holding?

    We are working out wether to leave the uk for Mallorca and a big decided for me is wether we will be able to a dairy cow.

    Are there any websites that tell you about the domestic licence you mentioned in English?

    Thank you! Xxx

    • Sandrine Coosemans

      In my experience, there’s very little information about living in Spain in English, unless it’s relevant for your average British pensioner who wants to live at the coast.
      In fact, it’s not always straightforward to find this information online even in Spanish.
      This is partly because exact legislation can vary between different states, comarcas (counties), and ayuntamientos (towns or villages). The only way you’ll know for sure, is by contacting the relevant authorities; if you don’t speak Spanish (yet), maybe you can hire a gestor who can find out for you?

  3. Torie

    Thank you for your reply! We’re looking in Mallorca so I will do some digging on that area. Please can you write me the license you mentioned you had. The domestic one!



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Hi, I'm Sandrine!

I live off-grid on an olive and almond farm in Spain, with alpacas and chickens and dogs and all the things. We've got solar panels and water from a borehole, we aim to grow our own food and be more self-sufficient, and we also try to make more time for what's really important in life... Come and join the sunny simple living movement!

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