How Conscious Grocery Shopping Makes Me A Happier Customer
There's a choice here: do you want to buy cheap stuff or your favourite brand - or do you want to keep the village store open with conscious grocery shopping?
There's a choice here: do you want to buy cheap stuff or your favourite brand - or do you want to keep the village store open with conscious grocery shopping?
The person who decided to call this lifestyle "simple life" definitely didn't try to LIVE it.
We want our finca to be lush and green; we think the most efficient way to keep the grass nice and short, is to have grazers keep it that way. On the long run, it's not that much more expensive - and a lot more fun.
Living off-grid means there's always a new project around the corner... and you can get stressed and exhausted if you don't take a break.
An alternative currency, just for our little corner of the world; it sounded like a good idea at the time, and it was awesome while it lasted.
In theory, gardening from seed is pretty straightforward. Get seeds, put them in the ground and wait until a plant emerges. However, there are a few pitfalls - avoid the most important ones with this quick guide!
Most of us move off-grid to be more self-sufficient... but then we discover how much we need others, and a community around us.
How the Simple Living Spain blog started - because every story needs a beginning.
Here are a lot of things to consider when you plan on moving off-grid. Here are just a few…