Keeping Animals in Spain: Getting Started
Thinking about moving off-grid and starting a farm (with animals) in Spain? Make sure you’ve got the right property for the job, file the right paperwork, etc. This video will get you on the right track!
Thinking about moving off-grid and starting a farm (with animals) in Spain? Make sure you’ve got the right property for the job, file the right paperwork, etc. This video will get you on the right track!
Brahma chickens are large birds with feathered feet. As a typical dual purpose chicken breed, they're good and reliable laying hens, have tasty meat, and on top of that they make great pets.
Our favorite books about permaculture, off-grid systems, self-reliance, gardening, chickens, herbs and self-sufficiency.
People who live off-grid all experience it in a different way; in this blog post, illustrator Sterre shares how she and her family live off-grid in the Castellon province.
Looking for a great and original gift for someone who lives an off-grid lifestyle? Here are a couple of great suggestions!
We started a small-scale permaculture homestead in Spain wanting to grow our food and work with nature in a sustainable way, using permaculture techniques and frameworks. This is how we did it.
For most of us, self-sufficiency is a journey - and possibly not attainable as a real-life goal. Let's explore what it'd look like to be 100% self-sufficient!
Llama vs alpaca: how these camelids don't just look different, their behavior is also very distinct... and they're being used for very different purposes.
Permaculture is a set of design principles aimed at working with nature (rather than against it), as well as supporting or mimicking naturally occurring patterns and features found in nature.